

Even though crosswalks are designed to keep pedestrians safe, many are hit by careless or irresponsible vehicles when crossing the street. There are frightening figures from the Governors Highway Safety Association, and anybody who chooses to walk instead of the drive should take additional precautions. It may be challenging to know what to do if you are hurt while crossing the street. To learn more, please go to

Accidental Deaths And Dismemberment

Pedestrians are more vulnerable to injury if they are struck by a moving vehicle due to their lack of protection. Even at moderate speeds, a car’s impact on a pedestrian may be catastrophic because of the long recovery time. they’ve seen what it means:

  • Blown ribs
  • Trauma to the brain
  • Trauma to the brain, such as a concussion
  • Brain and spinal cord damage
  • Injuries to the soft tissues
  • Distressed nerves
  • Numbness
  • Gashes, scrapes, and skin irritation

Putting Responsibility On Someone

Few motorists purposely want to strike a person crossing the street. Despite this, most drivers share part of the responsibility for the accident since they could have done more when it came to attention or caution. Many accidents are caused by careless or irresponsible driving.

Nevertheless, pedestrians may be held responsible for an accident if they are at fault. You would put yourself in a dangerous position if you attempted to cross the street despite the signal telling you not to. You may not have been paying attention to where you were going if you were strolling while preoccupied with your mobile phone.

Occasionally, the municipal administration may be held liable as well. Because of faulty walk signals or fading crossing markings, the city may be held partially responsible for an accident. To sue a government entity, on the other hand, requires the assistance of a skilled automobile accident lawyer.

What To Do If You Get Into An Accident In A Crosswalk?

After an accident, things may get out of hand quickly, mainly if the impact is severe. The wounded pedestrian’s immediate medical care should be the first concern. Tell the attending emergency medical personnel what occurred by calling 911 or the local emergency number. Ask a bystander for assistance if you are too hurt to call. You have the most excellent chance of recovering if you seek medical attention as soon as possible.


In the second place, you should start gathering information regarding what happened, such as the following:

  • The name and insurance details of the driver.
  • Information about any witnesses to the accident, such as their names and phone numbers.
  • Here are some images of the car in question. If you don’t have a camera with you, a smartphone may still capture the moment.
  • Take pictures of any potential contributing factors, such as broken traffic signals or overhanging trees that block the view of stop signs.

If you’ve been hurt, the driver’s insurance company may contact you. Usually, they reach you to get your side of the story and start negotiating a settlement with you in mind. Without the presence of an Atlanta automobile accident attorney, you should be very cautious when speaking with insurance. In addition to explaining the event and negotiating a reasonable payment for your injuries, your lawyer may also assist you in describing the situation to the insurance adjuster.

Making Pedestrians Safer

While it would be great if drivers were more cautious, pedestrians are ultimately responsible for their safety. If you’re a pedestrian, these practical safety measures may help you avoid suffering a life-changing injury:

  • Before you approach an intersection, swivel your head to check both directions. Even if there is a walk signal, you must obey this regulation. Keep in mind that even if the walk signal is on, vehicles may run a red light or turn right on a red. Before crossing an intersection, look both ways for oncoming cars.
  • Don’t go unnoticed, particularly at night. Make sure you have luminous clothes or reflective tape on your shirt and jacket if you go for a stroll for exercise.
  • Inform the authorities when you see someone driving dangerously. In addition to reporting hazardous or erratic drivers to the rules, intersection cameras may capture someone running a red light.
  • Encourage your local government to enhance pedestrian safety by making crosswalks more visible.
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As a pedestrian, you should never take any unnecessary risks. The walk signal is a warning that you should remain on the opposite side of the street, even if you are running late for a meeting.

Talk To A Pedestrian Injury Lawyer In Atlanta  About Rights

There are just two years in Georgia for personal injury plaintiffs to file a lawsuit. Even though this may seem like a lengthy time, you’ll be kept occupied as you investigate the case and negotiate a settlement if necessary. Within a blink of an eye, the two-year deadline will have passed.

Schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta car accident lawyer now instead of rushing to defend your legal rights. Your lawyer will be able to clarify your choices and give you their professional opinion on whether or not you have a good case. They can explain your possibilities. Before the statute of limitations expires, your lawyer may also bring a lawsuit in court. Even if you hope to settle, your only option is to suit, so act quickly.

Someone is interested in hearing from you if you’ve been hurt in a crosswalk. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, they are capable of fighting for the monetary compensation you need to move on from your ordeal.


Legally crossing the street, pedestrians may be eligible for compensation if they are injured. For example, you may be able to collect damages for things like medical expenses, lost wages, strained personal relationships, mental anguish, and general suffering.

To get the compensation you are entitled to, you need to hire a crossing accident lawyer. The attorneys are ready and willing to assist you. Contact them by phone or by filling out their online form to get started on your case consultation right now.

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