Marketing & Advertising

Email Marketing VS Social Media Marketing: Which one has More Benefits and Why

Digital marketing has multiple shapes and forms. Each avenue of digital marketing has pros and cons. Choosing the right marketing channel can prove to make a significant impact on your conversions and results.

Not every marketing strategy is going to suit your business. But the best way to develop one fit for you is to learn about as many strategies and channels as you can.

In this article, we’re going to discuss two of the most popular digital marketing channels. Comparing email marketing and social media marketing is a great way to learn about these marketing channels.

Benefits of Email Marketing:

Email marketing is a popular digital marketing strategy. Although some people are not in favor of spending their budget on email marketing, there is a broader consensus that email marketing is still useful and beneficial.

Your marketing efforts are more focused.

Email marketing allows you to address and market to a smaller but more valuable audience.

Email marketing compels you to start at the bottom. You slowly build your email list and then very carefully begin your marketing campaign.

Having a smaller but more focused and narrowed down audience is perhaps the most significant advantage of social media.

With a smaller audience, you can deliver a more personalized message. People want to get to know your business better, and emails can be a great way to keep your audience up to date with the latest news and developments related to your business.

You can reach a loyal audience.

With email marketing, you tend to have a loyal audience.

Professional email marketers spend a lot of time managing and updating their email lists. The time spent on maintaining these lists is seen as a means to reach a more loyal audience.

Generally, the people on an email list want to get updates about the business. Most likely, they subscribed to receive emails from your organization, which makes them a loyal audience.

Marketing your newest products and services to a loyal audience is far more comfortable than convincing a new audience to make a purchase.

You can appeal to people at different stages in their buyer’s journey.

The great thing about email marketing is that you can make lists and segment people according to where they are in their buyer’s journey. But how do you do that?

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With email marketing, you have much greater control over what message you are sending to a particular individual.

For example, if you’re sending a marketing email to a new contact, then you wouldn’t start with highly technical jargon about your products. You’d instead send them a welcoming email, introducing your business and yourself.

By sending emails that your audience wants and will perform the desired action as a result is incredibly valuable for a business.

Appealing to different people at different stages of their buyer’s journey is more effective than advertising a general message or advert to a broad audience.

Email marketing can become an essential part of your overall marketing strategy.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is one of the most popular digital marketing channels available today. The low cost of entry to social media marketing and the lack of skill required to start, are just some of the reasons why you may want to consider investing your time and resources into social media marketing.

You can market to a large audience.

One of the greatest advantages of social media is that you can market to a large audience.

Just think about Facebook. Facebook has over 2.3 billion monthly active users (MAUs). If you have a target audience of any sort, you expect to find a lot of them present on the platform.

And it’s not just Facebook. Other social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Twitter is all growing. And even new platforms like TikTok can attract a large audience in a short time. With email marketing, most people can’t reach this many people.

Also, you’ll be glad to know that social media marketing is still cheaper than other forms of marketing. If your main goal is to generate awareness for your brand, then social media is the best place to start.

You can push out a lot of content and messaging.

Social media platforms provide people and businesses a place where they can share their thoughts, ideas, and anything else they want to.

With social media, you can publish a lot of content every day. People want to get to know your business better, and with social media, you can inform and educate your target audience in a much more manageable way.

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Social media is continuously evolving and changing. Its volatility makes it the best place for you to get in front of your audience as more and more are becoming accustomed to this constant influx of information.

Let’s say that you want to raise awareness about a new product. So, you decide to use social media and start a campaign for that new product.

You can do multiple things. Sharing visual content on social media and posting articles related to the topic is just the first step. Next, you should move on to starting your hashtags to raise more awareness.

Conducting contests and giveaways is another excellent way to build attention for your product. And with social media, you get a lot of

You can connect with your audience effectively.

Connecting with your audience becomes effortless with social media.

If you want to make sure that your social media audience is doing fine, all you need to do is ask them to use a post and asking them how they are doing.

By advertising on social media platforms, you can drive potential leads to your website. On your website you can nurture these leads by interacting with them using a live chat app and providing content that your leads would love.

If your goal is connecting with your audience, then social media is one of the most effective ways to do it.


Choosing the winner between social media marketing and email marketing is not an easy task. Each of these has pros and cons, and finding the right one for your business will depend on the business itself.

However, just because you start with, one doesn’t mean that you have to ignore the other. Why not use both marketing strategy if you have the time and resources to do so? Using both email marketing and social media marketing will help you reach your goals and objectives faster.

Author Bio:

Hamzah Adil is a digital marketer who loves learning about various social media platforms and businesses. He is currently working for a tech startup that has developed a new live chat app called SwiftChat.

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