
How to work with customers through SMS marketing

Advertising and informational SMS messages are an effective tool for communication with clients and, as a result, increase sales. The main thing – to know how to use them! If you choose the correct key to the lock, you will be opened all SMS messages (increase of audience loyalty, growth of conversion, formation of brand recognition). If you think that SMS is a long time ago, then you are wrong! SMS messages still have huge potential in the world of marketing. On average, we receive three messages a day and open them a few minutes after the beep. And given that a person looks at their phone an average of 150 times a day, the message is unlikely to go unnoticed.  Text messages play a much greater role in sales and customer loyalty than ever before. With 95% open tariff available to 98% of all mobile users, text messaging marketing is a fast and effective way to communicate with a mobile client and achieve the desired answer using attraction content, including incentives and proposals

including pictures and videos.

It is important to note that the marketing of text messages is very strictly regulated. To ensure that this media is free from unwanted messages that historically hurt the effectiveness of other marketing channels, responsible authorities monitor all text message marketers and their programs.

While text marketing rules and rules seem good, many of the best methods of mobile marketing are permeated by a good old-fashioned healthy sense.

1. Create a client base and qualitatively work with it.

With all the data you store on your computers, you get a customer base that has subscribed to membership cards and online discounts. Thus, you have an excellent beginning to create a mailing list for customers you can contact. They bought from you once and obviously are interested in the types of goods you sell. Take advantage of this list and make these people feel special, thanks to which your traffic should increase.  Nowadays, besides SMS, there is a lot of other information, applications, email, messages from social media messengers. How to remain a mobile user in these conditions? And to do so that SMS was not deleted in the first second, seeing that it is advertising? That is why the size of the subscription base is not the main one. If your base has 1000 contacts, but they are relevant, target, these are the phones of those clients who are interested in you as a company, then such SMS will give better results than SMS campaigns sent to 15 000 incomprehensible subscribers.

Send not just SMS advertising, promotional offers and discounts, you should build relationships with your clients.

2. The first SMS – the building of loyal relations

Never forget about your customers, even if you have a week increased contact base of 1000 people. With each user building trust and loyal interaction, remember about every client!

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The secret of SMS marketing is the maintenance of balance between active sales and regular interaction with the client.

You should know what people are in your contact base, what they do, what they like, or know about you. Think about how your SMS send helps to transform a potential lead to a client. Do you offer a free bonus, an additional discount, send anecdotes, company news or dо something else? To create relations with the audience help simply SMS without the offer of shares and services. Sometimes you can just wish for a good day, write a joke or sincerely congratulate with the holiday! And this is not a waste of money, it is a contribution to the loyalty of consumers to your brand.

3. Offer discounts

Another important advice to pay attention, especially in terms of digital marketing, offers and discounts.Clients like tо feel their value and the best way to show it – special offers and discounts. For example, supermarkets often offer discounts on products that they buy most often. Remember, your customer should clearly understand: He gets a discount for what is a loyal customer. To ensure that the recipient can see the discount code accurately, use SMS messages, because their attraction ratio is eight-digit higher than in email. It is no secret that customers want to get the most out of their money, and the use of digital tools is a great way to advertise their special offers. Cоmmon practice is that people “follow” companies in social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, mostly on offers and discounts. Using social media is a great way to keep them informed about what you offer, what you sell, and any special actions you can take. If you are directly accessible to the client database, you can create a stream of visitors in a few clicks. For example, suppose that it is a slow and pedestrian movement. By offering an agreement through its social channels, you can quickly inсrease your attendance.

4. Choose the right time

Time is all. As with e-mail, the answer level may change during the day you send a text message. The best time depends on the behavior of your audience. However, you want to send your messages while your audience is free to receive and respond to your message. Perfect time before and after hоurs and during dinner. You should check the market to see what times are better for you. However, as a rule, do not worry the audience members after 9 pm.

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5. Don’t be boring 

It may seem banal, and do not let customers forget about you – let them feel part of your big team. A great option will be to inform subscribers about new products, services, and trends from time to time. After clients have joined your messages, make this feature and entertain their clients. Instead of sending the same recurring messages about your new collection or sales, try inviting them to wоrk with you on social networks. Link to your pages and invite them to participate in competitions or prize draws.

You can also invite them to share their feedback with you. You can use customer feedback to make changes to your process and improve your user experience. Again, do not forget to provide links to your social media to make work easy for them.

6. Create different SMS messages for different clients.

The same SMS can not be sent. Why? Because every client is different. When you create a mass SMS-message for the current clients, you do not need to enter a separate message for each. Group your customer base by age, article, interests, hobbies, work, values. And make target SMS messages for each group. In theory, your message sent to this group should be useful for each individual. In practice, this can be done only if you have certain user data.

Segment the audience also according to the principle: Who knows for a long time. Those with whom you have worked for a long time, you can send short messages, become “your boy”. Those who do not know you at all, on the contrary, need to send the most restrainеd SMS.

Sending various SMS messages, promotions and bonuses on the segment base, you will increase the conversion of SMS messages.

7. Involve Younger Audience 

The market from 18 to 49 is a sweet spot for many TV advertisers. It is also the ideal market for SMS. Compared to the baby boom, the Gen X and Gen Y population segments grew up with mobile phones and are larger text messaging users, so it makes sense to use this media to reach this audience.

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So, SMS-distribution is an effective way to solve a lot of management tasks at a small cost. Text messages are rather underestimated when it comes to marketing channels. They are effective even if a person has problems with the Internet. To get the most out of SMS marketing, make sure you know how to use it correctly to make it useful for your business.

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