
5 Promising Professions That You Can Master by Yourself

Higher education is necessary for work and career. But times are changing, and now employers often focus on experience and practical skills, rather than on a diploma. There are professions that can be mastered independently and in courses, and higher education in the related field. This will allow you to create a portfolio, get the necessary skills, and successfully realize yourself.

However, if you are now getting a diploma for one of the specialties and need some academic help, type ‘write my PowerPoint presentation’ online and find us.

Brand Manager

The profession is engaged in the promotion of goods and services, creates the image of the company with which the products will be associated. The brighter, more noticeable, more interesting the created brand is, the more the goods and services associated with it are in demand. Nowadays, not only companies are engaged in creating their own brand, but also individuals – entrepreneurs, businessmen, representatives of the service sector, and creative professions. Brand development is a complex event: you need to come up with a name, corporate identity, logo, slogan.

The brand manager knows how to think creatively, he is not afraid to experiment. He focuses on the values ​​and needs of the consumer, understands psychology, knows the modern culture.

To work as a brand manager, higher education in marketing, advertising, and public relations is useful. However, the intricacies of the profession, in any case, have to be learned in practice.

Sound Designer

The specialist creates the sound design of computer games, films, cartoons, advertising projects. The task of the sound designer is to create a single sound background for the action, which is recorded on video or demonstrated live.

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On the one hand, this is a creative profession, on the other – it’s useful in a technical mindset and engineering thinking. The sound designer needs a good ear for music and artistic taste. He knows how to select balanced harmonies, create various sound textures. He knows how to record, synthesize, or edit sound, familiar with the basics of programming.

You can learn the profession yourself according to materials on the Internet or on free sound design courses. There are paid courses, after which they issue a certificate. For a beginner, the most important thing is to collect a quality portfolio.

Targeting Manager

He configures ads on search engines and social networks so that only the target audience sees it. The tasks of targeting managers include analyzing the results of an advertising campaign, evaluating its effectiveness.

A good targeting manager can not only properly configure advertising displays at the request of a client, but also determine who will be interested in this product or service. For successful work, he needs good memory, attention, analytical skills, knowledge of psychology, and the basics of programming.

To work as a targeting manager, a diploma of graduation is not required – just the desire, inclinations, and knowledge gained in the courses are enough. However, a university degree in marketing or IT will greatly facilitate the task and help you quickly become a sought-after specialist.

Game Designer

Game designer creates computer games from the idea to the visual and technical implementation. The tasks of the game designer are similar to the tasks of the director in the cinema – to come up with the rules and content of the game and convey his vision to all participants in the process.

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The game designer will need creativity, artistic taste, the ability to draw, basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, and programming. A good game designer should be able to bring people together in a team, set tasks, and manage the creation of the game at all levels.

As a rule, game designers become people who are passionate about computer games and are well versed in the gaming industry. The usual way for a beginner game designer is to:

  1. Master free training materials on the Internet;
  2. Communicate with like-minded people;
  3. Exchange experiences;
  4. Create their own best practices;
  5. Work with companies to create games.

The closest areas in universities: “Applied Mathematics”, “Applied Informatics”, “Director of Computer Graphics”, “Software for the gaming industry.”

Smart Home Engineer

He is engaged in the design, installation, and configuration of a smart home. This is a home control system from light, ventilation, and heating to household appliances. All elements of a smart home are connected via the Internet to the software center from which commands are given. Necessary parts of a smart home: heat, motion sensors, video surveillance cameras. A specialist needs to understand electrics, be able to draw and mount equipment. Ability to work with hands and basic knowledge of programming.

The university will not teach this profession. The necessary knowledge is obtained in circles on robotics and programming and in educational institutions for the training of electrical engineers and mechanical engineers. The closest university directions: “Applied Mechanics”, “Electronics and Nanoelectronics”, “Design and Technology of Electronic Means”.

If you are eager to obtain one of these professions, then be ready to keep calm and work hard on your own.

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