5 Essential Areas to Optimize on Your eCommerce Website

The eCommerce industry is one of the most promising sectors to be in 2021. With sales expected to reach over $4.5 trillion by 2021, businesses of every shape and size have a digital presence. Further, with more and more brands & organizations making their way to the platform, the competition is cut-throat.

What should I do to increase my business online? How to reach a better position?

Nowadays, businesses require something more than the traditional approach to improve index rankings on Google. The best way to do so is optimizing your eCommerce website so that it aligns with the policies of Google and can be crawled in its position easily. You can also opt for eCommerce SEO by Brainvire for your business growth.

Let’s check out the 5 essential areas to optimize your eCommerce website.

Essential Areas You Should Optimize over Your Website

1) Have You Done SEO?

Optimizing your eCommerce website to be indexed in a better position is one of the most common areas to work. By SEO, we refer to the link-building activities that are more commonly known as off-page optimization. Try building transparent, friendly URLs (allowing your website with a chance of exposure), paired to the right target keyword, which will help your website crawl to a better position when people search using the selected set of keywords.

Another major issue that you should avoid from the SEO viewpoint is the use of duplicate content on your website. We suggest you fix your store’s plagiarism issues by including all the options around one particular product over a single page and pairing it with canonical URLs.

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2) Trust and Conversions

The second key areas to work on are trust and conversions, which play a great role in improving sales. So, it is always a smart move to optimize that section of your website. Visitors navigate through hundreds of websites daily but don’t necessarily make a purchase as it is not always about the price. Buyers need assurance that the store is authentic and can be trusted with their valuable information that they provide during the buying process.

If you take a look at your analytics, you might have noticed how people spend a considerable amount of time over the ‘About Us’ page. This way, they are checking out your contact & location to judge your authenticity. So, you should make sure that all your information is relevant and backed by trust signals for every product and service.

3) User Experience & Design

The user experience that your website imparts has a lot to do with the sales of your store. Let’s think about it practically, if you have a design that takes a lot of time (say 10 seconds) to load, at least half of your visitors will bounce off. This is why, the design of a website is one of the important aspects to work on, and be optimized to improve page load speed.

Further, the user experience or the ease of finding products or navigating across your store also has a lot to do with sales & revenues. If customers find it difficult to go through your store and find a certain product, they are more likely to go for an alternative store to make the purchase.

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4) Overall Shopping Experience

While there are a lot of places that you can tweak your website and optimize it for better results, improving the overall shopping experience of your visitors really counts! Interestingly, there are not one but three ways to get it done.

First, make sure that the website is able to find products in real-time and the search bar works fine. This way, you can improve customer loyalty, branding, sales, and conversions. Second, entice your customers around product descriptions. Don’t go with the generic ways of describing your products. Rather, ensure that your product description matches the product and identifies how it helps customers.

Educating your customers over a product video is another reliable means to improve the overall experience. Further, with creative ways of educating your customers, you can attract more customers to your eCommerce store.

5) Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is a major issue for vendors in the present times. Considering an average of 70% of checkouts that are abandoned, optimizing your cart is another great aspect for improving your store. You can consider streamlining the checkout process or tweaking around your CTA buttons to optimize your checkout page and reduce cart abandonment issues.


It doesn’t matter what the products you deal in are and how cheap or attractive prices you set, you cannot scale your business operations if you don’t have an optimized webpage. Make sure you follow these tips and optimize the essential areas for your eCommerce store.

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