
Understanding Web Design and the Factors that Create a Good Website

We live in a digital era where online visibility is an integral part of running a business. Gone are the days when companies operated without a website.

Websites are an essential tool for companies looking to improve customer engagement, increase sales, and ensure business continuity. They are the virtual representation of a company and a platform that allows entrepreneurs to leverage the online market.

To leverage these benefits, having a great web design is imperative. A not well-designed website will fall short and fail to help a company’s outreach to its target audience. For this reason, seeking the services of web design agency Sydney is of utmost importance.

However, before we go further, we need to understand everything about web design.

Let us delve into specifics.

What is web design?

Web design is a practice that involves the creation of content and layout for websites. It is a process that focuses on the appearance, content, and layout of a website. When designing the website’s appearance, the web developer’s focal point is mainly the colors, images, and font. On the other hand, while working on the layout, the developer focuses on how the information is categorized and structured.

Web design plays a crucial role in the overall outlook of a website. When done exceptionally well, it creates an appealing design that attracts more business. Besides, it helps a business reach the targeted audience and showcase its services and products to prospects.

Qualities of a good web design

Having a great website is no longer a luxury for businesses. It is one of the best ways for a company to gain a competitive advantage and establish its authority.

For those reasons, we are going to highlight the qualities of a great web design.

Aesthetics are everything

If your website is unappealing, it is less likely to attract potential clients. Thus, a business could lose conversions despite how great the content is.

Three important elements ensure great aesthetics for an effective website design. They are namely:-

  • Typography

Typography has a surprising amount of power over the feel of a website. There are few font rules to keep in mind for effective web design. For instance, a designer can only use a maximum of three typefaces. Also, to ensure readability, a website should have font sizes of between 12 and 16, as well as use san-serf fonts for body text.

  •         Balance

Balance your web content in such a way that none of the elements overpowers the other. Both the text and images should have the cohesion to ensure they are comfortable to the eye, giving the viewer a rather pleasant time browsing the website.

  •         Colors

Colors elicit emotional responses. Thus, when choosing a color palette for your website, you want to incorporate colors that create the perfect balance of contrast and harmony.

  1. Enhance user experience

User experience is of paramount importance as it determines how customers engage with a brand. To improve how web visitors interact with a website, a web developer needs to have a great layout. Also, they need to ensure faster loading times as well as make the website mobile-friendly.

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Consistency is key

One of the ways to build or strengthen interaction with users is to maintain a consistent design element across your website. Have an overall theme that seamlessly flows from one web page to the other. Also, when designing the layout, make sure that functions that fall under the same category are grouped.

Consistency is an integral part of a website as it makes it easy for users to browse through the website and find the relevant information. When they move to another webpage, they should not feel as if they have moved to a different website, and having different elements will make this happen.

  1. Less is more

The simpler the web design the better it is to navigate through the content. Having too many options on your website increases the time it takes for users to find information, which is overwhelming.

As such, avoid long-form sentences. Instead, stick to short sentences to maintain clarity. Especially for the homepage, the paragraphs should also be short with images being evenly distributed and used appropriately.

  1. Let it flow

Effective website design is more than aesthetics and the layout. The information on the website must flow in an easy and logical followed pattern.

  1. Accessibility for all

Designing a good website also includes making sure the site is visible to both desktop and mobile users. One of the best ways of doing so is incorporating a responsive web design. Unlike conventional websites that were dynamic, a responsive website layout adjusts to different screen sizes automatically, allowing a business to manage one website for a satisfactory mobile and desktop browsing experience.

  1. Clear calls to action

One of the main aims of investing in a website for a company is to facilitate sale conversions. As such, it is only wise for brands to devise ways to entice potential clients into taking action and having clear call-to-actions does exactly that.

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A site that does not prompt visitors to take appropriate action is not living up to its full potential. For instance, informational sites will want visitors to read and share articles. For this reason, a ‘read more’ or ‘share’ call-to-action will lure the web visitors into taking the appropriate action. The same applies to websites that want consumers to download toolkits, follow the company on their various social media platforms, or learn more about the organization.


From the above information, it is clear that the design of your website has a huge impact on various aspects of a business. When designing a website, you must follow the guidelines listed above. That way, you can be sure of an end product that facilitates customer engagement, improves online visibility, and increases sales.

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